Mr and Mrs Duck

This not exactly a miniature but it's one of the smaller things I've made in a long time, and these ducks are smaller than your average rubber duckie.

A coworker got married last weekend, and a few weeks ago, we held a shower for him and his fiancee. Another co-worker found this pair and I added the veil, bouquet and boutonniere. The tiny flowers were punched from a cupcake paper and then black marks were added to the centers. For the veil I used a recycled fabric teabag and a freshwater pearl. The tea comes in cloth bags; I used them in a teapot and I wash them. The bride and groom ducks are on top of a cake platter. Here's the cool thing -- unbeknown to us, the fiancee has a  thing for rubber ducks. She plans to keep this pair! For a closer look, click on the photos.

1 comment:

Blue Kitty Miniatures said...

You are ahead of the next big craze - its going to be rubber duckies - Diva Ducks is leading the trend!